Using CloudWatch Custom Data Identifiers To Mask Sensitive Data In Logs
In this post, we’ll explore how to use CloudWatch Custom Data Identifiers to mask sensitive data in CloudWatch Logs.
Step 1: Create a CloudWatch Log group and a log stream named test. Based on your requirements, create a Data Protection policy.
I have created a policy with following regex which is used to match anything that comes immediately after /v1/
in a string, stopping when it encounters a comma (,
), closing brace (}
), double quote ("
), or space (
\/v1\/[^,}" ]+
Step 2: Create a script to send JSON style logs to your CloudWatch log group
EVENT_TIME=$(date +%s000)
OUTPUT=$(jq -n \
--arg EventTime "$EVENT_TIME" \
--arg LogLevel "$LOG_LEVEL" \
--arg EventSource "$EVENT_SOURCE" \
--arg Message "$MESSAGE" \
LOG_MESSAGE=$(echo $OUTPUT | sed 's/"/\\"/g')
aws logs put-log-events --log-group-name test --log-stream-name test --log-events timestamp=$(date +%s000),message=\""$LOG_MESSAGE"\"
Step 3: Execute the script and check CloudWatch logs. Anything after /v1 should be masked like this
"EventTime": "1737615105000",
"LogLevel": "***********",
"EventSource": "myapp",
"Message": "***********"
Step 4: If you have the required permission, you can temporarily unmask protected data.